Monday, January 28, 2008

Dear Nintendo Company,

My name is Muffy and I'm 33 years old. For Christmas (or earlier if you can see fit), I'd like a Wii console. I know it's only January and you aren't Santa Claus, but either I wasn't a very good girl last year (which I know not to be the case - cross my heart) or the jolly guy just doesn't have the clout that he used to because there wasn't a Wii waiting under the tree for me this past year.

Now I've tried to buy myself a Wii, but your company must be holding on to them with iron fists or something because I just can't seem to find them in the stores. Maybe I just haven't looked hard or long enough? I'll continue to diligently look for said gaming system, but I could really use your help.

Either way, I'm a little sad. You see, my Mama has a Wii and when we visited there this summer my little critter fell in love with the bowling game. He can't play it mind you, but he gets so excited when he watches others and cheers loudly when someone does well. You should see him light up. Won't you help me give my son that joy at home? Pretty please? I promise to continue to be on my very best behaviour. Amen.

Your Friend,

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