Saturday, January 19, 2008

Bond..Sibling Bond

Here in my house recently, there has been some discussion about having another child. For the longest time we, meaning me, have said that there would be no more kids. In fact, we weren't planning on having any children when I got pregnant with O. But here we are going back and forth on the issue. Most days I'm middlin' to con, while Big Daddy is a resounding pro. I have a list a mile long as to all the reasons we shouldn't or I don't care to have another child, but that isn't what this post today is all about. There has been one pro argument that has been sticking in my brain now for a couple of days; the bond between siblings (typically)and their shared life. And the reason it sticks out so much for me is because of the great relationship I have with my sister, Kid and how much she means to me.

If Big Daddy and I decide that one child is enough for us, Critter will grow up never knowing that kind of relationship, that bond that comes from growing up in a house together and experiencing much of the same things. I can't imagine not having my Kid sister in my life.

Kid was born just 2 years after me. I was happy to have a sibling, but Mother says that I have been wishing for a baby brother. I suppose I forgave Kid for not being a boy. I don't know that I actually would have liked having a younger brother. Besides, Kid's good people. Well, she's more then that really. She's my best friend, my girl Friday. When I have a bad day, I call her. When I've got an idea or a mind that needs clearing, I call her. When I need to vent or cry, I call her. And she'll be the one that I call when I need to hide the bodies. :P

Kid and I didn't always see eye to eye growing up. She was a pesky little sister that used to like to tag along with my friends and I. She pulled my hair (I have the pictures to prove it). She conned me into looking over the edge of the top bunk to where she lay on her bottom bunk. I, of course, fell from my top bunk the long..loooooong way down to floor and onto my head. What a sweetheart, huh?

Later when our parents divorced it was just Kid and me against the world. We were inseparable (for a few years at least). High school saw us on different paths and in different houses more often than not. For years the relationship was tumultuous, but we were still sisters..blood. We loved each other but we didn't agree on much and it caused a bit of a rift. In fact, there were a few years in which we did not speak to one another (perhaps a story for another time - perhaps). Thankfully though, those years have passed and our relationship with one another has been restored. They were some of the hardest years of my life; ones I wish never to repeat.

We live miles apart these days and it breaks my heart sometimes to live so far from her. I miss the goofing off we used to do and just being in her company. Even though she is often cynical, pessimistic, and a big ol grumpy butt she is my little ray of sunshine.

This is what I will regret never giving the Critter should we choose not to have another child. This crazy beautiful relationship with someone of his blood.
And Kid, in case that wasn't clear enough for you, you punk, I love you!


Gail said...

That rocks@!

my older sister and I were exactly the same way. We were fighters in a younger years, but now she is my bff! A relationship that I could not live without, even though, like you... we are thousands of miles apart.

I agree, having someone, belonging with someone.. is the greatest gift we can give another, especially our offspring. Although that said, Mike and his sister are worlds apart. It's kind of ugly really.

Anonymous said...

you told me you were going to write about me but you didn't warn me that I would get tears :)

Love you too