Sunday, December 6, 2009

To Do

My 'To Do' list is always varied in length, but these days it seems to be growing and growing. It's through no fault but my own, I know. But I'm ever so spectacular at procrastinating. One of these days I'll get on the ball.

1. Get Christmas presents. - I really need to do this. I haven't purchased a single thing..for anybody. I'm way behind here.

2. Do Christmas cards - Again, I'm way behind the eight ball on this one. I need to pick out a picture and get a card made. Not to mention I then have to address all the envelopes and send them out.

3. Laundry - It's starting to pile up.

4. Send out some emails - Some of this I have already done. My list of people to email was getting rather large, but I put a pretty good dent into that list this evening.

5. Vacuum and clean bathrooms - Those things are always on the list for Monday. I suppose I thought I needed a little extra reminder this week.

6. Pay bills - Another thing that always seems to be on the list.

7. Get prepared for city council meeting - The first, but probably not last time I will have to get up in front of the council and make a presentation (I'll explain more later).

8. More research on community gardens - Again, another story for another time.

9. Exercise - See how far down on my list it is?

10. Try to relax and not think about trying to get pregnant. - Did I mention that Big Daddy and I were actively trying? No? Well..guess what? that's my top 10 things I need to do. I'm positive there are more and if there isn't, some will likely find their way on. Don't you just love Mondays?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The House That Jack Built

We loved our home when we first bought it and I guess for the most part, we still do, sort of. What's not to love? We have almost 3000 square feet of livable space. I have a front porch that, while lacking in real size and charm, we enjoy sitting out on. We have a decent enough sized back yard for O to play. We have a walk in pantry that has a ton of space. The rooms are all fairly large and we have lots of room to put up visitors. But that's where the love stops.

Have you ever seen the show 'Holmes on Homes'? If you haven't, it's worth taking a look at - especially if you own your own home. I wish I had a Mike Holmes.

Our house is a tract house. In case you don't know what that means..a tract house is one in a community of tract houses that were built from a few plans as quickly and cheaply as possible (read - very poorly made). I don't imagine all tract houses were made poorly, but ours certainly was. The first full winter we were in this house we noticed how cold our house felt and in particular, Bug's room. This house ooooozed cold air and our electric bills proved it. We spent close to $1500 during three of the peak winter months that first year! The windows are horrible (but look pretty from the outside). The insulation is questionable and there were gaps and holes around every door and window!
This only scratches the surface of my house woes but most of my woes pertain to the cosmetic aspects of the house and not the structure. Thankfully, we haven't been hit with anything major as of yet, but..I'm waiting. That's how confidently pessimistic I am on this one.

I get that builders are looking to make money. My town, during the big housing boom, was one of the fastest growing towns in Texas. You couldn't build houses fast enough at one point. But does that really negate building a home properly and with quality workmanship? I guess it did. Of course it's at no cost to them once the 1 year warranty expires. Even though our home had only been lived in a month prior to us purchasing it, there was no warranty and therefore the builder didn't have to fix any of the problems we found. Instead, we are the ones left fixing what they didn't or didn't care to do correctly in the first place.

How sad..

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just a Little While Longer..

..until I can enjoy this (in peace and quiet)..

It's been cold and blowy here in the lonestar state and tomorrow there is even a chance of snow accumulating on the ground. I finally conned Big Daddy into making a fire for me tonight. Now I'm just waiting for my Bug to go to bed so I can enjoy my fire without having some kid show drowning out the crackle of the fire.