Friday, October 31, 2008

It's Alive!!

My computer works once more. It's only been something like 6 months or something. I hate having to start from scratch, but there was no other choice. I still have some work to do on it, but it's working like a dream!

Now I have no excuse to get on here and blog more. Aren't you excited?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trunk 'R Treat

In our area, churches have these great little Halloween gatherings with games, goodies, and lots of other fun activities for the kids. They are particularly good for the young kids like Critter. It provides a safe, fun environment that is geared specifically to them.

Last year's event was a blast. There were bounce houses, carnival food, live music, games, face painting, and horse rides. O had so much fun that we thought we would do it again this year in leu of trick or treating on Halloween night. This year was a bit different then last year. It was a different town, different church, different people. It wasn't that we didn't enjoy ourselves at the other on. It was close to home which was nice. But we went to "Trunk 'R Treat" because it was more like actual trick or treating with some of the other fun stuff thrown in there. People from the church volunteered to park their cars in the parking lot, decorate their trunks and hand out candy to the kids who walked around from car to car. There were animals to pet, pumpkins to decorate, wagon rides, and face painting.

O scored plenty of goodies. Some of which has already found it's way into Mama and Daddy's stomachs - shhhhh. He doesn't need all that stuff anyway.

(Sorry - these images still need editing and resizing. I just wanted to get them on here. Grandparents can be so pushy sometimes, right Mama?)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Adventures in Babysitting

It seems that my illustrious career in child care is over before it ever really began (well at least with Lil C anyway). It turns out that due to the fact that Lil C is a foster child, he needs to be in a licenced day care facility. His foster Mother had been told otherwise previously, but in another inquiry, she was told differently. least for the time being..I'm jobless once more.

While I was looking forward to the extra cash coming into the house, I'm okay that this happened. I don't know if it was nerves or whether it was actually something more like dread, but I was second guessing the decision to do the whole child care thing. Now I have the time to give more consideration to my choices.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I could very well be losing my mind..

So..I've been considering going back to work, right? Well, not work-work like I did in my former life (read: before having Critter), but a paying gig none-the-less. I've been wanting to go out and get a job away from the house for a few months now; not that staying home with my son hasn't been fantastic. It's just time, yanno? And while I've looked at jobs from said former life (one that I could do from home) I would still be taking away valuable time together with my boy.
So after some discussion with my other half, I've turned to babysitting as a way of bringing extra money into the house. It serves to fill most every need and purpose - except the somewhat coveted time away from the house and more adult connections. But I figure with more money coming into the house each month I could use some of it to do those kinds of things on the weekend. Sounds logical enough to me.

I didn't figure things to happen so quickly, but within a couple of days of making the decision, I find myself the new care taker of another VERY active little boy. He's younger than O by almost a year and a half, but I think it's going to be beneficial for the both of them. O with have another playmate..someone to socialize with and Lil C will have an older brother-type to look up to and learn from. I'm keeping my fingers crossed he learns the good stuff that Critter has to offer and not his bad habits. What are the odds that'll happen? Bah..surely it will be all good.

Monday is the day so wish me luck won't you. Somehow I think I'm going to need it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Critter turns 3!

Happy Birthday Bebe! Ti amo!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

October is "Birthday Month" in my family (several friends have birthdays in October as well). I myself, am a January baby, but both Big Daddy and the little critter were born this month. They share their birth month from a few others in my family: my niece, Nae; my littlest sister, Kelikins, my step-mom; and my nephew, Codster.

Famous people also born in October: John Lennon, Tommy Lee, Brett Favre, Pavarotti, Evel Knievel, Teddy Roosevelt, and Mahatma Gandhi to name a few.

If your birthday is this month, well then..Happy Birthday!

Monday, October 13, 2008

I live..

..really, I do. I've missed you, truly, but I've been so busy with things and life and stuff..

Okay, I can't lie. While there has been plenty going on, it's not like I haven't had the time to sit down and blog. After all, I sit at the computer at least once a day. My excuse - I'm a bit of a procrastinator. I'd like to say that I wasn't, but there is always something else that I should be doing, but I'm not. So guess what gets pushed to the wayside? If you said blogging, give yourself a little pat on the back and tell yourself how smart you are :D It doesn't help that my laptop is still on the fritz (calling Dell IS on the list of things to do, but yep..procrastinating). Once I get that fixed, there is a good chance that I'll be blogging much more regularly. Are you excited? Ya, I know. Me too.

So, if I haven't been blogging..or doing the things I should be doing, what exactly have I been up to you ask? Well, we spent most of our time outside, either swimming or playing with neighbours. We also did the annual pilgrimage to Ontario to visit with family in August. That was a 3 week trip and it wasn't but a week after we returned that we had to head to Ohio. I've mentioned before that Big Daddy was from Ohio right? Two of Big Daddy's family members were ill and we trekked up there to see them. We stayed longer then we had planned, staying a couple of weeks..and subsequently returning a week later for the funeral of one of said family members.
Since returning, it's been the critter and I hanging around and getting things done around the house. Big Daddy had a business trip that could not be postponed and so we were left to fend for ourselves. These weeks we've been busy planning and getting ready for Critter's birthday party; which is this coming weekend.
When I'm not planning and plotting, I'm usually cleaning, relaxing with O or eyeball deep in my genealogical research. I'm addicted!! What can I say!

Of important note: O is pretty much fully potty trained now!!! Hurray!! I'm so happy; can you tell? I'll tell you more about it later. For now though, I think I should be off to do those things I've been putting off.