My friend Gail over at Family Matters - in Italy posted a little photography challenge last week; photograph your hood. Liking the concept, I decided to do just that, but with the laptop being very uncooperative and not recongnizing my camera, I've had to pick out some pictures from the archives. They are odds and ends and certainly not great quality but as I said, I like Gail's idea and wanted her to see my neck of the woods too. So without further ado..
Here are some pictures I took around town one very early and foggy morning. We live in your typical rustic, western, turn-of-the century small ranch towns. This is just a small taste.
We live in the new section of town where the houses go up seemingly overnight. I took this picture while my Mama and I were out driving one VERY windy day during her visit (read about it here). As you can see it was trash day. Not a pretty sight.
And if you want to see even more of my little corner of the world, check out this blog entry to see what it was like with some snow on the ground.
well done my dear! I like seeing your hood.
I never knew typlical rustic, western, turn-of-the-century, small ranch towns. Being Kiwi and all.. but its so great to see your hood.
I'll take some more for you when time permits..say like this weekend and when I get this darn thing fixed, I'll get them so you can see more of my little western town. It's really very cool if you like westerns and history.
And de was my pleasure. I really likeed the idea.
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