Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Week In Review

It's been another busy week here in Texas. I say that, but to be quite honest, it hasn't REALLY been THAT busy I suppose. I have free time, but I've been spending time (either productive fun stuff or dealing with the grumpy sourpuss mood) with the Critter or getting my house hold stuff done. That doesn't mean that I haven't thought about or missed you kiddies. And seeing as though I haven't written much since the beginning of last week, I thought I would catch y'all up now.

April 23: KID's birthday. O and I called and he sang Happy Birthday to her.

April 24: Critter and I went to the park to meet up with Mrs. Coach, Superstar, Teach (Mrs. Coach's sister), Happy and Knoxville (Teach's children - both very close in age to Critter and Superstar). Everyone had a great time. Critter's behaviour went drastically down hill after that and dinner out with everyone was less pleasant than our time at the park. Thankfully though that night was the return of Grey's Anatomy! KID, Mrs. Coach and I have been patiently waiting for it's return. For me, it didn't disappoint. I felt that this show was better than the ones prior to the writer's strike and I can't wait to see what they have in store for us this coming Thursday.

April 25: Big Daddy returned from another business trip. This one was to the home office in North Carolina. I was so glad to see him considering my son's mood the majority of the week. We had a nice dinner as a family, but thankfully I was able to retreat to my own corner of the house for a couple of hours.

April 26: In the morning, I dragged Big Daddy and O to the Farmer's market in a neighbouring town. It was small in comparison to some of the ones that I have been to, but there were some nice organic vegetables, herbs, meat, and eggs that we picked up. I even indulged myself and purchased "Arabian Spice" handmade soap. It's heavenly! Afterwards, we attempted to find a park suggested to us by friend Sig. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful, but we found ourselves near Sig and J's house and decided to see if they were around. They weren't, but it just so happened that they were at the park close by. The kids ran around playing for about an hour or so. It was lovely to get caught up with Sig, with whom I didn't have much of an opportunity to speak to at DD's birthday party. We got a lovely offer to join them for lunch, which we did, sharing our haul from the market. After much playing and fun we headed home.
Our day didn't end there. Mrs. Coach, Superstar and Baby Girl joined us for dinner and some play time afterwards. Coach had been away..coaching and I thought it would be nice to have them over while he was gone. I'd hate for them to be lonely yanno?

April 27 We haven't done all that much today. Most of our time has been spent playing or just lounging around. Big Daddy did have a bit of a "meeting" with our neighbour who is on the city park board. Big Daddy has a few connections and today was just a bit of a pow wow to see if he couldn't help the city out some.
And so now..this is where I find myself. Another quiet afternoon. Thankfully, the Critter is sleeping and Big Daddy is entertaining himself. For a change, I was able to find some time to write. Aren't you glad I did?


Gail said...

yes, I am. - very glad. :o)

Erin said...

Awwww..G..aren't you sweet?!

Hope to catch up with you more soon.