Saturday, May 3, 2008

Another Week Gone By

I can't believe that another week has passed since my last post. Time seems to be racing by here lately. My days feel very full, but whether they really are or not is somewhat debatable.

We're nearing the end of the school year here and you can certainly tell. Event calenders are filling up quickly with all sorts of fairs, festivals and things to do. The weather, for the most part, has been lovely and we've certainly taken advantage of it all. Last weekend we spent some time wandering around the local farmers market, puttering around the garden and playing outside (often until the sun goes down). It's rare to find us indoors when the weather is so nice. Obviously it means that I won't be writing to all of you wonderful people but someone has to make that sacrifice.

This past Monday (and the majority of the week really) however, I had something else keeping me from the computer. It was called THE FLU!! I can't remember the last time I'd been sick and throwing up like that..unless you count the 3 months of morning, afternoon, and evening sickness I had with Critter of course. Every 20-30 clockwork, I was rushing off to the bathroom with puke bowl in hand to wretch my guts out. Thankfully, this stopped sometime early Tuesday morning but I was so sore, ill feeling and tired that Big Daddy (who had gotten sick as well late Monday night) and I took turns sleeping so that someone would always be up with O who had managed to stay healthy.

We're still dealing with some lingering effects of it all. We aren't eating much. Our stomachs our sore. My body still aches from all of the vomiting I did and we are running to the bathroom all of the time. But Big Daddy finished up the week by working part of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Despite my slower recovery, O and I have managed to do some house chores and went on a play date with Sig, DD and Gab. Our family even managed to complete a large outdoor project this past week that I'll share with you later. I need to take some pictures..that's something else I haven't been doing much of lately either.

This is where I'm going to leave you for now kiddies. It is another gorgeous day and I need to be getting back to the day at hand. Write you soon!


Creative-Type Dad said...

Wow! That flu is nasty.

Some cold just passed through my house. That was bad, but not that bad.

Erin said...

I hope everyone is feeling better.

It has been a very nasty one indeed and to some degree it is STILL holding on. Hey! I bet if your daughter had had this might have gotten her potty trained. At least there would have been plenty of opportunities to try. LOL