Today I got a thumbs up from the doctor (sort of..I guess). I had the rest of my physical and as far as they can tell, I'm doing just fine. Everything sounded good. Everything looked good. Now I'm just waiting to hear back the results of my blood test and pap smear. Those two will tell it all.
While my EKG results were normal, I'm still scared that my blood tests are going to come back with different results. You see, my Father had a heart attack 3 years ago. His one brother had a stroke in his late 40's and their father died of a heart attack at age 48. Heart disease obviously runs in that side of my family and I'm apprehensive that I could be afflicted with the same thing. I'm young yet, but given my PCOS/weight issues and family history, I'm a pretty prime candidate I figure.
Of course there are steps I can take and that's what getting the exams have been about this year. Once I get my results back, I'll be working with my doctor to get my health back on track. Because while it's important for me to be healthy for me, it's more important that O will have a healthy and happy Mama as long as humanly possible.
Isn't it amazing what having a child can make you realize about your life?
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