Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sun Bunny

I love spring! I love being out of doors where I can feel the sun on my face (despite being allergic - I have the hives to prove it right now too), the brilliant blue skies, the smell of the wet dirt after a good rain and the intoxicating scent of hyacinths, tulips, and daffodils. What gorgeousness we have right now! The grass is still brown for the most part and the trees are still bare, but oh how I love this time of year.

Last night I found myself sitting on the porch with a glass of vino and my book as the sun was beginning to set behind the houses. It was the first night where temperatures weren't falling much below daytime temps despite the sun having gone down. As the crickets began their evensong serenade, I couldn't help but think about Big Daddy and wished that he could have been here to share the evening with me. He too would have enjoyed every minute of it and that was enough for me to feel connected to him despite the distance between us.

So here I am outside sitting on the porch..again. I can't help myself! It's too nice to be in the house. I love this quite time when Critter is napping and I can get outside without having to watch him like a hawk and just simply relax. It gives me time to reflect on my poor neglected garden.

Speaking of which, all of this fabulous weather has given me the gardening bug and I can't wait until Big Daddy gets home so that we can get on with getting on. Last year we took the metal edging out as it did little for the garden and B.D. has promised me that I can get some stone to build a nice decorative edge. Our garden needs it truthfully. At present, there is mulch everywhere. We've had some big rains and that's just the way the garden flows.
At the same time, I've taken to dressing up our porch. It has been barren most of the year and just recently I've started to make some improvements. More work is needed though Big Daddy will object to spending money on it I'm sure. I'll get him to think of it as a anniversary gift or something. :D

Okay, I think I'm done procrastinating. I have a long list of things I said I was going to do while Big Daddy was away. It's now been a week since he left and I've done only one of the eight things on my list. Oh but how I can be inside on a gorgeous day like this?!

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