Friday, December 14, 2007

Big Daddy goes to China this blog is no where near where I want it to be. I'm trying different things out, but liking nothing. I'm pressing on if my endeavor to find a layout and scheme that I like. In any event, the world continues to spin and life moves forward.

This week my husband (who, from hence forth will be referred to as "Big Daddy". He loves that nickname LOL - not really) got word that he will be heading off to China early in the new year. We knew this was coming..eventually. We just had no idea when. The trip was originally scheduled for this summer, but as with most projects of this magnitude, the trip was continuously postponed.

While the trip is a business one for Big Daddy (in other words, he'll have very little time to do anything but work)I personally feel that it could be a trip of a lifetime for him. China is a world away and hardly urban America. The culture is different. The landscape is different. Life, to some extent, is different (I'm assuming). I'd jump at the chance to make this trip, work related or not. How often do trips, paid trips at that, to far away foreign lands come along in a person's lifetime? For a small town girl who has never been outside of North America, obviously not many.
But Big Daddy doesn't see it the way I do. All he sees is the negative aspects of the trip. He's going to be gone for at least two weeks and likely more. There is a 18-20 hour plane ride involved in tiny seats no less. He doesn't like anything that resembles Chinese food. He'll have to be away from his young son. It's also a great deal colder there this time of year then what he is used to. He doesn't like crowds, but this is China that we are talking about here. How quickly he forgets about all that history, culture, and beauty. He's going to be in the Chinese capital of Beijing, near the great wall of China, Tian'amen Square, The Temple of Heaven, The Forbidden City and lots of other great places! Have I mentioned that I would LOVE to be the one making this trip? Maybe another time, should the opportunity ever present itself. But then again, maybe not. I highly suspect this house would fall apart if I ever left for more than a week and O stayed at home with Big Daddy. Chaos and pandimonium would ensue I'm sure. Oh well, I can always dream I guess.


Gail said...

Thats why we are here in Italy, Mike's company moved his division back to the parent company here in Bologna. We never expected it, it was totally out of the blue for us. But we jumped at the chance, and although I am miserable during the week, I am grateful for the chance to learn new things, about new people and places. I hope that it will broaden the scope of my lads thinking, in time. It's exciting, its painful and despite all that, when we are done here I am sure that I will forever be grateful for Italy, and the inside experience she gives us.
Put that good traveling energy out into the world and you never know what could be just around the corner. I hope Big Daddy embraces the experience of China despite the negatives.
And believe me, if you leave for a week or so - Big Daddy and O would just have to work it out to survive, you will most likely have to clean up the mess on your return though - It would still be worth it to me.
I am taking myself to paris in Feb/March - they can cope for a weekend without me, it will be good male bonding time.

Erin said...

How long do you guys anticipate staying in Italy?

I couldn't agree with you more. There are so many possibilities, experiences, and adventures in a move like yours. And while scary, painful even as you say, it's those once in a lifetime kinda deals. I don't blame y'all in the least for taking the chance.

Oh I do..I put that vibe out there all the time, but nothing has come to fruit as of yet. :) I'm dying to go to the UK, now only if I could win the lotto.

I love Paris in the spring time..! Never been, but one can dream. Are you meeting up with Francesca there? I'm sure it will be a spectacular trip for you and I already can't wait to see your photographs from that trip!!

Gail said...

We are only here for 2 years, and then, who knows?! We can move to another division in the company, but my plan (and I must emphasize the MY plan bit) is that we move to Australia after being here. Then I can fly home for weekends, or week long visits whenever I want! Australia is slightly more positive in the compture area than NZ, NZ is a high technology country but has a hig negative attitude to match it's cleverness, which I found depressing. I want to be in a positive area with people moving ahead in their lives and others around them being happy and celebrating with them. There is what is known as the 'tall poppy' syndrome in NZ. If anyone achieves - cut them down to size. It's very British.
I was thinking actually that Francesca and I could travel together to Paris. She is Italian and lives here, near us in Bologna. She is actually Mike's boss's wife, she lived in California too but we never met until coming here to Italy. They go to Paris regularly, therefore she knows the area well. I wouldn't be surprised if she spoke French too - she is trying to teach me Italian, and I keep her using her English. It's kind of funny when we have a misunderstanding with our accents and word use. I was telling her I needed to make a HAIR appointment for Macallum and I, she called me the next day and told me she had made us an "ear" appointment with a doctor in town. hahahaha We couldn't stop laughing after we worked out what each other was saying and meaning. Funny.