I've been very remiss in keeping up this blog. It hasn't been intentional..I don't think it ever is for anyone. Someone I once knew said that "you make the time for the things you want" and while I think there is some merit to that statement, I'm not always inclined to agree. Life has a way of interfering. Things can and do come up that prevent you from making time for what you really want. But that's how things go and that my friends IS life.
There are only so many hours in the day and mine are most often relegated to the things I need, not necessarily what I want. I have a young son who needs someone to take care of him. I have a husband who, believe it or not, needs someone to take care of him. I have a house that requires daily maintenance. There are bills to track, pay, and budget for. There are relationships with family and friends that need nurturing. There are a great many things that need tending to that, often what I want is put on the back burner. If I always made time for what I wanted, I'd be lying on the beach on some tropical island with no house or bills to worry about. And when I wasn't making time for that, I would be traveling the globe.
But those are hardly realistic wants and I don't think that was actually what the person was getting at. When all needs are met (and my body isn't needing sleep)I do take the time to fulfill some of my own wants as well. Occasionally I will sit down and watch a couple of my favourite shows, do some crafty stuff, take some pictures, or write in this here blog. I don't like to take time away from my son and my family and I've often looked at these things as luxuries. Then again, maybe that's part of my problem (a story for another time).
All that aside, I've been down for a couple of days with a head cold. Today has been the worst day, yet here I write. I think it has something to do with the cocktail of medicine I've taken in the last 12 hours. Thank you NeoCitrine and Tylenol Cold and Flu.
P.S. I was right about O on Christmas day. He was a bear and it was a very tough morning. But Big Daddy will tell you that I was probably worse than O. What does he know.
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