Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Finding Time

I think I set the bar too high for myself with this blogging once a day challenge. Obviously I'm not living up to the goal I set, but for plenty of reasons. It's not that I'm just too lazy to blog daily (though there are days where I just don't feel like it). Life has been hectic with having had surgery, a new puppy, a computer that just wouldn't cooperate, a young boy who loves having his Mama's undivided attention, a house that oddly enough does not clean itself, and lately..much warmer weather and longer days. Oh and then there is sleep, I can't forget about that. I've been finding that I'm needing to hit the sack around 10pm these days. I guess when you don't sleep well at night, you need to go to bed earlier to get all the required hours of zzz's. With all of those things, I just let the blogging go to the wayside. It's only natural I suppose. Everything else, minus the computer issues, are too important to set aside for the sake of blogging.

Why am I blogging now you may ask? Well, I'm combining being outside in the gorgeous spring weather with blogging. Critter is busy playing in his sandbox or on his swing set while the pup sleeps at my feet. The chores have been done for the most part and I'm able to relax a while. Lucky you!

There is much to tell you about kiddies. There is plenty of things going on in our household, but I think I'll save all the details for a later date. I wouldn't want to overload you with stuff, yanno? So that's it for now. I need to tire out the kidlets even more - more like tire out myself, but hey! Maybe I'll sleep more soundly tonight. There's always hope!


Anonymous said...

glad your back - look forward to your writings. good way to catch up on all the happens in wonderful Texas


Gail said...

where are you?????? whats happened to you... come back, come back, come back...darn it!